Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016


You know SNOWDEN movie,when the C.I.A hack and spy our smartphone in the world,and today i want to share how to hack our smarphone into C.I.A spyphone like that movie,its quite simple and easy, i have the apps to hack your phone into spyphone..

the tutorial for this video
1. the first you cand download this apps ini this link DOWNLOAD THIS APPS
2. Instal that apps to yours smartphone and the open
3. create your account with your gmail
4. and then you can launch this apps
5. and then you go to the link for watch your smartphone like cctv
6. and then you sign in with you email when you create account in this apps
7. set up camera where you want to spy,click the menu and set up camera
8. give the title you spy phone and the click FINISH
9. when you have record in your smarphone,you can see and watch in your computer in that link
10. if want to spy your webcam in your laptop,you just go to that link and sign up with your account and set up the camera in your laptop.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016


Hai the Winners..sudahkah menonton film SNOWDEN ?,yang pada saat ini masih bertengger di bioskop Indonesia, tahu kah kamu film SNOWDEN merupakan based on true story dari legenda Edward Snowden,siapakah Edward Snowden itu?. Dan mengapa dia merupakan orang yang paling banyak dicari di seluruh dunia?. yuk kita ikuti artikel menarik ini..

Di dalam film SNOWDEN kita diperlihatkan bagaimana kekuasaan Pemerintah dalam meng eksporasi seluruh masyarakatnya dalam mengintai setiap gerak gerik seluruh masyarakat dengan menyadapkan smartphone mereka. kejadian itu mungkin sudah terjadi sejak lama,bahkan saat ini masih digunakan. sebelum kita lebih mendalam membahas artikel, saya kasi cuplikan trailer dari SNOWDEN

Edward Snowden adalah seorang programmer komputer asal Amerika Serikat yang pernah bekerja di Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dan National Security Agency (NSA). Fokusnya adalah mengungkap program pengawasan global. Setelah tidak bekerja di NSA dia lalu membocorkan ribuan dokumen rahasia NSA kepada para jurnalis, diantaranya adalah Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras dan Ewen MacAskill. Dia menjadi pusat perhatian dunia internasional ketika terbit berita di The Guardian dan The Washington Post yang berdasarkan pada data yang dia kemukakan.

Nah, berikut ini adalah fakta tentang Edward Snowden yang mungkin kamu ingin tahu:

1. Terpilih sebagai Person of the Year 2013 versi The Guardian.

2. Ia langsung memiliki pengikut lebih dari 150 ribu dalam satu jam setelah membuka akun

Dan hanya dalam 24 jam setelah membuka akun Twitter pada 29 September 2015 dia memiliki 1 juta pengikut, meskipun dia hanya mengikuti NSA.

3. Bergaji USD 300.000 (Rp 3,9 miliar) dalam satu tahun.

4. Tidak selesai S1 di Maryland, namun dia diterima untuk belajar materi perkuliahan S2 di University of Liverpool.

5. Dikenal sebagai seorang yang tertutup

Selama tinggal di Hawaii, Snowden menampakkan perilaku enggan berinteraksi. Meskipun mendapat sapaan dari tetangganya dia hanya terus berjalan terburu-buru dan sibuk dengan urusan sendiri.

Bintang (500) Days of Summer itu memerankan sang pembocor rahasia AS dalam film yang tayang tengah September ini. Ia menjadi Snowden sejak dilatih militer sampai direkrut NSA, menjadi pembocor rahasia, dan pindah ke ekstradisi Rusia.

Film yang juga dibintangi Shailene Woodley sebagai kekasih Snowden itu baru tayang secara midnight di Indonesia. Tapi di beberapa negara itu sudah lebih dahulu ditonton. Salah satunya oleh Chris Inglis, mantan Deputi Direktur NSA.

Inglis termasuk orang penting dalam kehidupan Snowden. Di film bisa ditonton bahwa Snowden diminta oleh Deputi Direktur NSA untuk memimpin sebuah proyek penting di Hawaii. Di kehidupan nyata, Inglis lah orang yang memerintah itu.

Saat Snowden di NSA, ia adalah Deputi Direkturnya. Kini ia sudah tak menjabat.

Namun saat diwawancara, Inglis mengatakan ia tak pernah bertemu Snowden. Menurutnya, meminta kontraktor seperti Snowden untuk memegang proyek sebesar itu di Hawaii sebenarnya tidak masuk akal, bahkan cenderung gila.

“Sangat tidak masuk akal. Untuk berbagai alasan,” katanya pada NPR, seperti dikutip dari Independent. “Bahwa seorang deputi direktur sampai menjangkau kontraktor—yang mungkin saja penting tapi di fungsi rendahan—dan meminta mereka melakukan aktivitas seperti Jason Bourne? Itu jelas di luar kewajaran.”

Rekaan itu hanya ada dalam film, yang menyebut dirinya 'dramatisasi dari kejadian sebenarnya' alih-alih dokumenter atau fiksi yang diinspirasi dari kejadian nyata.

Tapi bahkan ‘dramatisasi’ pun bagi Inglis masih terlalu berlebihan. “Dramatisasi bagi saya adalah Anda memberi tambahan sesekali ke poin yang [sudah] jelas.” Misalnya, ia mencontohkan, membawa musisi untuk menambah musik latar.

“Tapi [dramatisasi itu] Anda tidak mengisahkan cerita yang fiksi,” imbuhnya tegas.

Ditanya lebih lanjut soal bagian mana yang menurutnya fiksi, selain permintaan Deputi Direktur NSA terhadap Snowden, Inglis memutar mata seperti sedang kesal. Ia lalu menyebut, salah satunya saat sang musuh AS menyelesaikan tesnya.

Dalam film dikisahkan, untuk tes CIA itu Snowden hanya membutuhkan waktu 38 menit, sementara orang-orang lain rata-rata menyelesaikannya dalam lima jam.

“Jelas dia orang yang cerdas,” kata Inglis. “Tapi NSA punya kebiasaan untuk merekrut orang-orang pintar. Sangat pintar. Juga yang berprinsip. Jadi jelas dia yang terdahulu, diketahui bahwa dia bukan yang terakhir.”

Pihak film Snowden belum berkomentar terhadap pendapat dari NSA itu. 

sumber (

WARNING!! Your Facebook can be hacked with 10 seconds

wanna try to hack your facebook just in 10 seconds,so simple and just click and just wait,and the result you can get that pishing or no password generator to take slow..

Is facebook hacking possible?

Facebook hacking is very possible these days. The instances of famous celebrities getting their facebook accounts hacked is on the news every now and then. Most of the advanced programming experts can hack into facebook account with relative ease these days. However, should any one ask famous hacking groups to hack facebook accounts, they demand huge amount of money and why shouldn't they? Its a fancy, rare and demanded art to break into the servers of world's renowned and one of the most visited websites Facebook.
So where does this lead common not-so-programming-experts people? Not everyone can afford to pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for a mere single facebook account hack. So we decided to make a website for the sole purpose of providing you people with a free-of-cost mean to hack the facebook accounts of your friends, family member or any other random douche you want. And to be honest, hacking is as much about getting access to someones private messages and photos as it is about the fun and awesomeness of getting this access.
Most people will hack their crush to know if the signals they are giving you are really real or are plain false alarm waste of time. Some hack their gfs/bfs to know whether the looks she/he was giving to that strangers have any meaning behind them. Some just want to gain access to their lost facebook account because facebook can be assholish sometimes.

What hacking methods do we use?

we are here to provide you with the most latest and most efficient way of gaining access to your desired account. Our method is simple and not-so-diluted. In layman terms, we first launch a mass-force attack. We use 4 efficient facebook hacking methods. Sometimes they work, sometimes they dont as there is not a single server on facebook. There are probably hundreds and hundreds of servers in facebook headquarters each having different security holes. Some are perfectly secured so they can not be hacked. So we can say that the results are totally dependand on your luck.
  • Brute force attack
    You probably have not heard about this but you sure have seen its result. Yes this was the probable attack behind 2014 iCloud hack leading fappening. In simple words, our computer sends username or password queries to facebook servers at very high frequency. Sometimes it works, sometimes it dont. Learn More
  • Packet analyzing
    A packet analyzer is program which can capture, analyze and decypher the information trading between the user and server. If we are lucky, the targeted IP address will get caught transmitting data packets to servers and boom, they are down.
  • Buffer Overflow
    We send random sensible data to facebook servers which facebook cant detect as gibberish and must respond to it. However the data really is nothing but a very huge non-translatable codes with a single hidden and working query. When facebook server is overloaded with the gibberish code, the working query launches a small command which isntantly respond back to us with the password and other information of the username.
  • Vulnerability scanner
    The methods which works for us, the most. If we are lucky, the victim has his firewall on Google Chrome disabled, we run a small query which provides us with his ports being used by Google Chrome, we gain access to his browser using these open unprotected ports and grab the cookie data stored. Our huge database of MD5 decryption then decrypts the data and we are there.
  • Kali Linux
    One of the easiest and safest method to hack into a facebook account. Kali Linux provides a number of toolsets to hack into facebook accounts. These tools, although difficult to use provide the most resilient method to hack. You can learn more about Facebook Hacking using Kali Linux here.
If all else fails, we are there to provide you with an extremely-safe, self-destructive and non-detectable Keylogger. A keylogger is a small software which you just have to open on the victim's computer and you are done. The software hides itself and is almost always undetectable by any possible mean including searching in taskbar, notification area or even task manager. What it does is that it records every keystroke made on the keyboard by the user of that computer. This means that whenever the victim whom you are hacking opens his facebook and enters the password, we will get his password that instant. The password will be delivered to you via Email directly by the keylogger.
You can watch this video tutorial how to hack your facebook in 10 seconds


Wanna know how to get followers in instagram in 1 day you will get 500 followers or more,its easy no aplication or cheat or hack..
you can find the instagram who have many followers and must have sign verified...and then you can follow his/her instagram and unfollow again repeat that or you can follow and unfoolow the sugest of their instagram..
1. Start liking some photos. One of the best ways for you to gain followers is to start liking photos related to your posts - as many as you can. Scroll down through your home feed and like some of your friend's photos. Hopefully the ones who aren't following you back already will now start following you.
  • Go to the "explore" page and take a look at the most popular photos. Like some or all of them, as these accounts tend to have lots of followers and some of them might just follow you.
  • Next, search for photos of people, things or places you're interested in, using hash tags. For example, if you want to see pictures of the Eiffel Tower, type in #paris, #latoureiffel or just #eiffeltower. Like as many of the photos as possible.
  • A third option, and one reserved for people who want a lot of followers fast is to search for some of the most popular tags, such as #followme #like4like or #instadaily. Now just scroll through all of the pictures in that feed, double tapping to like as you go.
  • Do this with multiple tags, until you've liked about a thousand pictures. It may seem kind of extreme, but if you do this everyday you are guaranteed to see your number of followers rise rapidly - - setting you firmly on your path to 1K followers.
2Start commenting on people's photos. Not only should you start liking people's pictures, you should also start commenting on them.
  • This provides more of a personal touch, and people will be so flattered with your nice comments that they'll be more inclined to follow you!
  • You won't be able to comment on all the pictures you like, but try doing it for as many as possible. It doesn't have to be an essay - something as simple as "nice pic!" or "love this" can work just fine.
  • However, an even more personal comment is more effective - something like "I really love the lighting in this picture - good work!" or "I love your hair - wish I could get mine to look like that!". Remember, people - flattery will get you everywhere.
3.Add comments, questions or CTAs to your photos. Although Instagram is 90% pictures, it's important not to forget about the power of words. Captioning your photos with funny, clever or unique comments or questions can be a great way to engage with your followers and also gain new ones.
  • Give a little explanation of what the picture is about, or what inspired it. Or else you can simply state where the picture was taken. Keep it to a couple of sentences though - people are lazy and will probably skim over it if it's too long.
  • Ask questions, as these will encourage other people to comment on your posts, which looks good to potential followers. It could be something simple like a picture of a new coffee shop in town with the question "Anyone been here yet?" Or you could post a picture of two different pairs of shoes and ask your followers which you should wear today.
  • Include CTAs (Calls To Action) in your posts. For example, if you posted a picture of your cat in an awkward pose you could say something like "I want to see all of your crazy cats - use the tag #awkwardcats". This will encourage your followers to take their own pictures and use your hashtag.
4.Post regularly - but not too often. You can't expect people to follow you if you never post any photos, so it's important to be really active on Instagram and to stay in tune with current trends.
  • Post between 1 and 3 photos a day, this should keep your audience engaged and make sure there is always something of yours in their feed.
  • However, you shouldn't post pictures just for the sake of posting pictures - they should all be beautiful and unique in their own right. See tips for for taking good pictures in Part 4 below.
  • Don't post too many pictures per day and avoid posting more than one picture at a time. This can clog up your followers' news feeds, which many people don't like.
  • And if they get sick of your constant posting, they might decide to unfollow you - which is the last thing you need when you're trying to hit 1K followers!
5.Post at the right time of day. You might take the coolest, funniest or most beautiful picture ever - but if you post it at a time of day when no one's online, you limit the number of people who get see it and significantly reduce your chances of gaining new followers.
  • Think about your followers and their patterns - most people check their Instagram in the morning, before school or work and in the evening on their commute home, when they're stuck on a train or in a traffic jam.
  • Therefore, if you post at these times (in the relevant timezone) you are much more likely to get attention for your pictures.
  • According to a survey conducted by Simply Measure, the peak time to post on Instagram is on Wednesday evenings between 5pm and 6pm, as this is when most users are active.[1]
  • You can also use apps like Statigram to find out the peak hours of Instagram usage among your followers, which can help you figure out when to post content.
  • Bear in mind that any post has a window of about four hours to pick up likes, comments and followers, before the post gets buried in people's news feed.
6.Give shoutouts. Another technique for gaining followers is to get shoutouts, and the best way to do this is to give shoutouts yourself. However, a shoutout will also cause a lot of people to unfollow.
  • A shoutout is essentially drawing attention to another person's account by mentioning them in a post and asking your own followers to follow them. This exposes that person to a whole new group of potential followers that they would never have reached otherwise. The idea is that once you do this for someone, they will return the favor.
  • The ideal situation would be for a celebrity, a major brand, or someone with thousands of followers to give you a shoutout as this can majorly increase your Instagram cred and your number of followers. Unfortunately, it's pretty rare for this to happen, however, through using websites such as QuickShouts and Klout you can pay IG celebrities to promote your page. However, don't spam or beg larger accounts for shoutouts. This is very annoying and would lower your chances of getting a shoutout.
  • To give someone a shoutout, all you need to do is mention them in a comment. For example, if someone's username is "catlover" you just need to write something like "this picture is for @catlover - follow her!" in a comment.
  • But if you want to give a really great shoutout, you can take a screenshot of the person's user profile and post that screenshot on your own Instagram, telling your followers why they should follow them. This is great advertisement for that user's account.
  • If you want to receive shoutouts, the best thing to do is to find a user (preferably one who posts content related to your own) and comment underneath their photos. Ask for a #shoutout and say something like "follow me and I'll follow back".
dont forget to subscribe..please your coment if this way WORK..thank youvisit us in

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016


Hai the WINNERS..

kali ini coach mau mengajak the winners untuk bergabung di NUMERIC TEAM, disini the winners bisa mengalami pengalaman seru baik dari proyek - proyek yang dikerjakan sampai dengan training - training proyek yang diajarkan oleh para ahli di bidangnya, selain itu the winners juga punya kesempatan mendapatkan penghasilan atas hasil keringat sendiri loh..

Caranya mudah,hanya mengisi link formulir yang tersedia di bawah ini, disini the winners bisa memberitahukan kami apa keahlian yang dimiliki the winners, biar tim NUMERIC bisa mencatat profil - profil the WINERS dan disesuaikan dengan proyek yang ada. Nah bagi the winers yang merasa belum ada keahlian nya,tenang aja,disini kami membuka kesempatan bagi siapa aja yang mau belajar dan mengikuti training kita sesuai dengan minat the winners. Pokoknya disini the winners diajarkan untuk bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi,dan pastinya mempunyai banyak skill yang baru dan bermutu lagi, apalagi kami akan mengajarkan the winners untuk membuat perusahaan startup sendiri yang tentunya apabila the winners dinyatakan telah siap oleh Tim NUMERIC..

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan yang baik ini,karena kesempatan bagus ini ga akan datang kedua kalinya, kalo berminat langsung ajak klik link dibawa ini dan baca semua ketentuan lalu isi dengan sepenuh hati the winners, dan kami akan tunggu the winners di dunia sukses kami..


Oh iya kami disini tidak memaksakan the winners semua, karena semua keputusan ada di tangan the winners sendiri, yang menjadi pertanyaan dari sekarang..APAKAH KAMU MAU MENJADI TERDEPAN ATAU TERBELAKANG?

Bagi yang sudah mengisi, kami beserta tim lainnya mengucapkan selamat bergabung dan tunggu instruksi selanjutnya dari TIM NUMERIC,karena data - data the winners kami periksa dan  tinjau lalu kami simpan sebagai database TIM NUMERIC.

Thank you THE WINERS

Best Regards

The Founder Of NUMERIC

Widodo Herianto,ST,MMSi,CCNA,DFFR

Senin, 17 Oktober 2016


hai everybody..

today i want share my hack, how to hack instagram,actually i have my own program,this is for just fun dont worry because i dont give you this apps,this just i wan to try instagram has weakness,but okay. i’ll do it just to practice not to hurt other people fellings..

thats simple so i can just in 30 seconds i hack thats IG,want to more about this trick..

watch this video


NB: sorry, for the moment the application provided can not be opened, because the link has been blocked and applications have been banned temporarily. so always stay tune in here for new apps and new link.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016


Kamu lupa dimana kamu menaruh handphone kamu atau kamu susah menemukan handphone kamu, jangan khawatir lagi,dengan applikasi ini kamu dengan mudah bisa menemukan handphone kamu hanya dengan tepukan tangan..sangat mudah dah cepat..

lost your phone or you forget where you put your phone,dont worry be happy,because i have a trick easy to find your phone only with three clap hand..

this time i want to share how to find your phone only with three clap hand,wherever you phone,we can easy to find it..we ussualy always forget to put our handphone,but with this apps,we never worry again to lost or forget our smartphone..

i give the link of this apps who 100 fastest person to like and subscribe this come on

100 orang tercepat akan saya berikan link aplikasinya dengan cuma - cuma..


yuk buruan subscribe and like video nya di bawah ini

want to know more about hacks and best tricks
visit us :
thanks to :

Come on join in my fans page facebook:

wanna chat with me follow my IG @wiherun

adios amigos

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016



In simplistic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.


Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. While the Internet is, perhaps, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing, others include wireless text messaging, mobile instant messaging, mobile apps, podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and radio channels, etc.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place they want it. Gone are the days when the messages people got about your products or services came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know. Digital media is an ever-growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. And they are more likely to believe them than you. People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences.

Manage Customer Relationships Across All Channels

Digital marketing and its associated channels are important – but not to the exclusion of all else. It’s not enough to just know your customers; you must know them better than anybody else so you can communicate with them where, when and how they are most receptive to your message. To do that, you need a consolidated view of customer preferences and expectations across all channels – Web, social media, mobile, direct mail, point of sale, etc. Marketers can use this information to create and anticipate consistent, coordinated customer experiences that will move customers along in the buying cycle. The deeper your insight into customer behavior and preferences, the more likely you are to engage them in lucrative interactions.

Challenges Facing Digital Marketers

  • Proliferation of digital channels. Consumers use multiple digital channels and a variety of devices that use different protocols, specifications and interfaces – and they interact with those devices in different ways and for different purposes.
  • Intensifying competition. Digital channels are relatively cheap, compared with traditional media, making them within reach of practically every business of every size. As a result, it’s becoming a lot harder to capture consumers’ attention.
  • Exploding data volumes. Consumers leave behind a huge trail of data in digital channels. It’s extremely difficult to get a handle on all that data, as well as find the right data within exploding data volumes that can help you make the right decisions.

Three Keys to Digital Marketing Success

So, what does it take to do digital marketing right? Here are three keys to digital marketing success:
  1. Manage complex customer relationships across a variety of channels – both digital and traditional.
  2. Respond to and initiate dynamic customer interactions.
  3. Extract value from big data to make better decisions faster.



Perhatian bagi yang belum mengikuti kuiz atau kuiz tidak bisa di post komen,bisa mengikuti kuiz dibawah ini,cantumkan nama, npm dan kelas..

Soal dan pertanyaan masih sama dengan kuiz sebelumnya,harap di jawab sesuai dengan ketentuan tiap masing - masing soal,dan jangan membuat koment kedua kalinya,karena akan dimasukkan otomatis ke dalam SPAM dan lalu di DELETE secara otomatis,usahakan jawab pertanyaan di dalam note atau word kalian,baru copy paste di kolom komentar blog ini.

NB jawab pertanyaan soal kuiz di kolom koment ini bukan di kolom kuiz sebelumnya

Selamat mengerjakan..

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016


Why You Should Learn How to Pick Locks (Even If You’re Not a Criminal)

Some of you might be thinking, “Wih, why should I learn how to pick a lock if I don’t plan on breaking into people’s homes?”
Great question.
There are a few good reasons why law-abiding citizens should learn how to pick a lock:

Lock picking opens your eyes to the “illusion of security.” We all lock our doors to keep our loved ones safe at night and to secure our possessions during the day. After I picked my first lock within two minutes of learning how to do it, I realized that locks don’t really do much except provide the illusion of security. Locks make us feel safe, but if someone really wanted to get in your house, they could easily pick the lock on your front door. If they didn’t know how to do that, they could find another way in. You can’t just rely on a lock to keep you and your family safe. You need to utilize other tools and tactics and create multiple layers of security.

Realizing how little locks actually keep you and your stuff safe was both terrifying and surprisingly heartwarming. Terrifying because I saw that someone could easily enter my house and walk off with a crap-load of stuff without having to break a window; heartwarming because seeing how easy it is to pick a lock and yet how rarely people get burgled, made me realize that most people don’t break into homes because, well, most people are good people.

It makes you handy. If you’ve ever been locked out of your house or car, you know how annoying it is to be standing there like a chump, waiting for someone to show up with a key or a professional locksmith to arrive. Wouldn’t you love to be able to jimmy your way in yourself? Not only can this skill save you a lot of time and money, being able to solve a problem like that on your own is pretty dang satisfying. Plus, you can help out all your friends when they get locked out too.

Knowing how to pick a lock may even help you save a life one day. ITS Tactical has highlighted a few instances in which someone picked their way into an older parent’s home because they weren’t answering the phone, only to find their parent collapsed on the floor. Could they have kicked the door down or broken a window? Sure. But picking a lock just takes a few seconds and doesn’t leave any damage. So why wouldn’t you do that if you could?

It’s cool and fun! There’s simply a “cool” factor of knowing how to pick a lock. Of all the Jason Bourne-esque skills every man wishes he had, it’s one of the most attainable. The idea that I can surreptitiously enter most doors without a key makes me feel all-powerful, like some sort of super ninja-spy.

It’s also a fun little hobby and something I like to do when I’m taking breaks from work or hanging out with the kids while they do their kid thing on the carpet. If you get really into lock picking, you can actually go to events and contests to test your skills against other lock pickers.

The Legality of Lock Picking


There’s a common misconception that the only people who can legally own lock picking tools are first responders or licensed locksmiths. The reality is that in most states, as long as you’re not trying to illegally enter someone’s home with your lock pick set, you can legally own, carry, and use lock picking tools.

There are, however, some states that have laws that make owning lock picking tools prima facie evidence of criminal intent. If you’re caught with picks in these states and you want to avoid criminal charges, you have to prove that you didn’t plan on committing a crime.

Long story short: owning lock picking tools and learning how to pick locks is perfectly legal and ethical as long as you do so without nefarious intent. Just be a decent human being. For a summary of lock picking laws across the country, see here.

How to Pick a Pin Tumbler Lock


Pin tumbler locks are the most common locks found on the front doors of homes. So it makes for a good first lock to learn how to pick.

How a Pin Tumbler Lock Works


You don’t really need to understand how pin tumbler locks work to successfully pick them, but it does help.

The basic design of the pin tumbler lock has been in use since 4000 BC. Of course, it’s gotten more complex over the millennia. The design that is used in most cylinder locks – like the one on your front door — has been around since 1861 and it hasn’t changed much. Basically most of the world is using a technology that’s been around for a century and a half to keep their most prized possessions safe and secure.

see full article source 

See this video tutorial

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016


Write your name and your ID Students (NPM) and write your class too

answer the questions below by choosing three questions that you think is easy

1. What Characteristic traits of first and second generation computers and explain that?

2. What a parts contained in CPU and Explain their function?

3. Mentioned 10 parts contained in Motherboard and explain their function?

4. Mention of operating system on the computer and explain their respective strengths?

5. What the difference of RAM with ROM and Give examples of Proccess?

answer the questions and work directly on the comments page of this blog.

thank you

happy Quiz


Write your name and your ID Students (NPM) and write your class too

answer the questions below by choosing three questions that you think is easy

1. What Characteristic traits of first and second generation computers and explain that?

2. What a difference from a computer server with a computer workstation?

3. Who is the scientist who first discovered the world of computer?

4. Mention of operating system on the computer and explain their respective strengths?

5. What Characteristic traits of third and fourth generation computers and explain that

answer the questions and work directly on the comments page of this blog.

thank you and happy Quiz